Why are things so complicated?

Wow, I didn't know I was so fussy. Apparently, I have things I want out of a relationship. Who knew? This is more complicated than I anticipated---this whole finding the person I want to spend the rest of my life with deal. No wonder I needed so many men to date casually--it takes that many to make my time requirement :/

I really like my truck driver, Les, a lot. There are so many wonderful qualities which meet my needs --- affectionate, loving, open, not skittish, likes me oodles :) However, now I realize the downside of my obsession with big meaty men who work hard for a living, men who fix things, who make me feel feminine, protected, sexy---they work hard for a living and that means odd hours.

I have just realized that I have a TIME requirement. Time and attention are things I need ---being alone is not something I want to do anymore. My truck driver works 4: 00 pm - 4:00 am Monday - Friday and sleeps most of the day away, gets up and does it again. So time with me comes down to talking on the phone, exchanging offline messages, an occasionally sleepy snuggle, Saturday evening and Sunday. I'm not sure that is sufficient :(( I've been dreaming of having a partner, someone beside me when I got to bed and when I wake up, someone to do things with, go places, get out and move with: weekend trips, evenings at home, shared meals, sitting on that patio, camping, movies, companionship. My sweetie truck driver may not work out.


  1. awww hon....I sure hope things work out for you. He sounds like a great guy but I can sure understand the needing time with him to have a relationship. Hang in there...


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