So, I've been thinking.

Yes, I know, dangerous. Hope I don't pull a muscle!

Today I was teaching my sophomore class that is plumb full of boys -- was gesturing wildly coz I was annoyed (they were drivin me bonkers and it's a short trip)... and umm. my boobs jiggled. That's kinda weird that I noticed and it seemed awkward to me at that moment. Thinking if I noticed it, maybe THEY did too. :/ Yeah, not sure about that.

Also, I was just thinking and wanted to tell u all: Men over forty--- strange things happen to moles, skin, umm other parts of the body. Do us newly single women a favor and get them looked at, removed if necessary. After twenty years, I was pretty used to my X's but a different man's skin issues takes some gettin used to. If your interesting spot/mole/ naturally formed body oddity is visible while dressed, for the love of all things romantic, please please PLEASE get it removed. This is not referring to anyone in particular, merely a sum total of my adventures in dating. lol.


  1. I know I'm late, but Yes they certainly noticed.


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