It's been a good weekend. Friday night, I took my son out to eat and to a movie. It was nice to spend time doing something with him. We did ask my daughter to come, but she was busy. I want to do that with son more often---mother son dates. It's a good thing.

My bf called me at 3:30 am to tell me he'd blown out one of the truck tires and was nursing the other back to town. Apparently, a semitruck in front of him was losing cargo out the back and one took out the tire. Thankfully, he made it back to town without a problem and I met him for bfast about 5 am. I loved that.

Today, I am supposed to avoid eating fat as I have an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow morning.

Parent teacher conferences were on Friday. I was not pleased that son had a 37% History for the 1st quarter. That pretty much rules out any chance of passing the semester so I was quite unhappy that the teacher didn't contact me a week or so ago. So, I called for a meeting with his teachers and asked them to bring a print out of his grades for each class. I had a bit of a panic attack prior to the meeting but my friend at work talked me down. I love her, she is so great to me. Anyway, son's education has been fraught with emotional turmoil for me--having to defend him, protect him, etc. I guess it was just some of that left over. In the end, it worked out. I didn't cry in front of his teachers like I was afraid I would. And, I got the teacher to agree to let son retake a test to hopefully bring his grade up.

Thats grapes.

BF is off doing manly automotive/ motorcycle fix it things with his buddy today. I miss him already. He wasn't feeling well last night. Hope he feels better today. He is really kind to my son and has gone out of his way to take him out to eat with us, buy him a treat, etc. My bf is grapes!


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