FWB anyone?

I have a situation. Kind of but not really. Maybe.

Do you remember Army Guy? He was my first date after separation and has been around on and off. I liked him well enough in spite of the fact that he is an ornery cuss, very opinionated, very direct. He is the one who called me "damaged goods", who said that we would be only friends, etc.

Welp, before my sweet truck driver, Army Guy was a bit of a contender, even though he said he would never want to be more than friends with me. umm. there's more to it, but I don't wanna say. Well anyhoo, the last time I was going to go out with him, I was so happy because he called and wanted to go to a movie. I'll admit, I was excited that he'd called and initiated a meeting. Unfortunately, something happened and he totally forgot our date. When I spoke to him on the phone, he didn't want to see me because he was upset about something, etc.

Bottom line: He has made me feel bad about myself a few times. Even made me cry a couple. I can't tell him how I am feeling, how things are going with me, because last time I did, he said something about "DRAMA" heaven forbid. So I no longer can confide in him. He still feels free to confide in me whenever we do happen to speak. It's pretty one sided now, obviously. So, I can't really call him a friend even.

He's been calling me lately. Wants to get to together. I'm having trouble telling him that I am dating someone exclusively at the moment. I don't have any interest in seeing him.

Why can't I just be direct about it?
Why is it so hard for me to just cut that line?
He would certainly tell me if it were the other way around. He told me previously when he was going to go out with someone else seriously (that didn't work out). He's a nice person, really though honest to a fault.

Gah, I'm a dork. He called my home phone twice today and my cell phone once. I don't want to deal with it. grrr halp.


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