Things have been good around here. I have a boyfriend who is very kind, loving, affectionate, manly---I love being around him. He was there with me last weekend when my puppy Oreo started having seizures, called the vet, went with us to have her put down due to distemper. Poor guy was pretty upset about it too. More upset than I was to tell the truth.

Basically, I made a decision long ago that I am not going to cry over animals. It's too heartbreaking and life has enough things to cry about. Sorry if that makes me seem cold. I love animals and hate to see them suffer, but if I have a choice, I won't cry over one.

Back to my favorite topic -- Les... He is such a big tough guy--looks like one and is one. But he is so sweet to me and even talks baby talk to me. lol. I love it. hehe.

Son is struggling in school a bit. So much work and he's not getting it all done. sigh.

Today, Son and I are going to my brother's for a bday party. Will be nice to see family again. Les was going to go with me, but had to work.

Wish the weekend could be longer!


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