Sound Bites.. no really it BITES

Okay, so got a call from Sallie Mae.
Called Sallie Mae-- it was about X's student loan that I cosigned for. Yup they want their money and aren't joking.
In case you didn't know, student loan companies are not the ones to mess around with. They don't need to go to court to garnish your wages. All they need to do is write a letter to your employer and boom, there goes your money. I know this from my sister who works in collections.
So the lady from Sallie Mae decides it would be fun to do a three way call with my X. Yeah, let's get HIM on the phone. Why should I have all the fun?
Boy, they badgered him.
When they started talking garnishing our wages, I sucked it up.
"Okay fine. I can make a payment two weeks from today."
No that isn't good enough.. they want the money by the end of the month.
"Look, set it up for two weeks from today and you got the money"
No, that isn't good enough, we need it this month.
"Who are you kidding? You are not going to garnish our wages in two weeks. I know I cosigned. I am perfectly willing to work with you. I want to be responsible for my obligations. I will pay you, but it can only be in TWO weeks. Get HIM off the phone. I don't want HIM on the phone. GET HIM OFF!"

Yeah, so it sux. No alimony, no child support and YES I get to pay HIS student loan that I cosigned for. Whatever. fine.

My boyfriend calls and commiserates with my self pity. Sweet man.

Interrupted by the door. Guess who? Yup X finally hears that we might actually need groceries over here. Wonder of wonders. He came bearing peanut butter, jelly, popcorn and cereal. Our hero. No really. Our hero. I needed peanut butter.

Okay unfortunately along with that came fussing. Because of YOU my car insurance went up. Why did you separate it? Now they are taking out insurance for the SON. Why are they doing that? That is money I could have used elsewhere to pay a bill? (notice not to pay child support.. pffft. )

"Look, the dog messed on the floor. My son lives here. Put the dog outside. You need to feed son better. He needs fruit and vegetables. Why can't you be a better influence on your daughter? Tell her not to go into Graphic Design. I'll see the kids when Son is 18. I don't care anymore. I would have machete'd your brother go to jail, whatever. Got my bucket list, gonna do what I want then die. Kids don't need me."

Why don't you marry your trucker and he can take care of you?

Why should I? I can take care of myself. It isn't his job to take care of me.

Are you sleeping with him? Is he spending the night?

It's not your business. No he isn't. He isn't married to me.

My son lives here. It is my business.


blah blah blah. He can't let go of me, trying to let go, hard to let go, I wasn't what he wanted. I wouldnt change for him. blah blah blah, how would I feel if he got a new girlfriend?

Umm let me think. How would I feel if you sold everything u could, screwed us all financially so you could get to China to meet your internet gf? How would I feel if you proposed to five other women on the internet telling them you were going to leave me? Hmm I am gonna have to think on that for awhile.... pfft I don't care. I'm passed that. lol. I forgive you.

I won't further bore you with the details. He was bouncing all over the place as usual. I was being the voice of reason, responsibility, fix it, pffft .

That was too much work. Glad I don't have to do it on a daily basis anymore. I might have preferred it when he WASN"T speaking to me. lol. Boy just wait until they start taking child support out of his check...


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