I'm an idiot

I received a refund from a utility bill but it was in X's name, so I took a chance and went over there to see if he would sign it over to me. He came out crying, hugging, etc. He wanted copies of a few documents so he could work on bringing his new wife over I guess. No problem.

However, the man is failing health wise. He is too thin, has a black spot on his leg that looks sinister and needs to be removed, he hasn't been taking his kidney medications and is peeing blood. Last check his kidney function was a satisfactory 40%. Now, he has no health insurance and no money. He isn't selling cars well, so may not keep that job. He had some sort of car accident and has to pay someone for that. Long story short, I ended up feeling like I need to be giving him money.

I even said that I would pay him to mow the lawn. Dunno why I think he can actually start it and finish it now or why I would pay him!? I'm an idiot.



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