Hold me Now

I need hugs, cuddles, warmth. My chest hurts and I wanna cry.
Not sure wassup with that. sigh.

I'm glad it's Thursday.

Grades are due tomorrow, not quite ready, but I will be.

Today is Xs bday. He is 50.

Big truck fix it guy got burned when his radiator blew up in his face-- 1st and 2nd degree burns on his face and chest. But, he's on the mend, so that is good.

Mornings have been a bit stressful this week. Yesterday, my alarms didn't go off for some reason and my eyes popped open at 8. My meeting was at 7:30 and class starts at 8. THEN, son decided to be difficult. So, kinda stressful yesterday.

I really really could use some arms around me ASAP. sigh.


  1. Hey girl. I sure hope it gets beeter for you.
    It'll be okay just gota ride it out.

  2. Thanks Sage, I appreciate it.


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