My plans fell thru last night due to his having car trouble. We did talk on the phone a bit, so that kinda took up a bit of my evening in a good way. I went to church too. This gentleman is going to be a hang out buddy, I hope. Since I have tried to stick by my new policy of not calling, emailing, or texting men-- of letting them come to me--- it makes it difficult when I really do want to do something. So hopefully, this new friend will be someone who we can just hang out and do stuff together. It's a bit of an experiment, I know. I'll let you know if it works.

I have enjoyed my weekend a bit more and tried to relax, rest, be productive house wise. I picked up my room, made my bed, did dishes,cooked dog food (ran out of dog food until payday so resorted to the old family tradition of cooking up scraps,etc). I left the puppies out last night to see if it were better clean up wise. I think they are getting better--2 out of 3 times, they go to the bathroom on the doggie mats that I have placed strategically about.

I found this sweet little blog -- A young woman married to her myspace boyfriend. They are both so young and so happy. It's very cute. Someday, I hope to be married to someone I love to be with, love to talk to, love to love.

Hope you are all having a great Sunday.


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