Make you Feel My love

Turns out no movie date with Army Guy tonite. I did have a nice time with the Widower last night though. I don't think I told you about him. Probably because I am not sure. It was our second date.

So, I am home tonight feeling a bit blue. I have so much to offer the right man. I'm just scared that he may not find me. I don't like being alone. Sometimes I just want my life back. I know it wasn't much, but it was all I had.


  1. dang....felt like that soooo many times. Sometimes it felt like going back to what I had would have been so much better...but believe me, everytime I thought that way, he would say or do something so stupid or mean that I would remember why I left. Be will find someone who will treat you right and make you happy. Don't give up!

  2. Thanks Tammy. I always appreciate your comments :)

  3. He'll find you. Try not to press it. He'll soon figure out what he has been missing once he finds you too!

  4. awww Sage, that is sweet of you to say. huggles.


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