Keystone Cops R US

Okay, we just did a Keystone Cops routine. I went in, puppies ran out. English bulldog from next door chased puppies around the yard. I chased English bulldog who was chasing the puppies around the yard, into my house where I chased them all around again until they all ran back outside. Got puppies back in and English bulldog out.

Opened the door to call my son in, and they were off!!!!! Did it all again, but this time, the neighbor lady and her daughter chased the bulldog who was chasing the puppies and I chased her and her daughter who were chasing the puppies, back into my house again.

Whew, I'm tired!


  1. Well I hope you at least got a good laugh about it anyway! Hugs!

  2. Oh it was funny! Gives me something fun to write about which is always a good thing!

  3. LMAO. Would love to see that on uTube. Nice change of pace.


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