I found out a bit ago that X took my son out of state this weekend without even telling me. They are on their way back now, but since I have sole custody with him only being allowed reasonable visitation, shouldn't he have TOLD me he was taking the son out of state??? I had no way of knowing until daughter told me. Plus he hasnt returned him back yet and there is school tomorrow. I don't even have a damn phone number that I can check on him. I had to call my daughter to let him know I needed my son back NOW. I was SO tempted to send the police there. He has reasonable visitation but has made no arrangements. It is only through my effort or son's effort that he has any at all :/

later: He finally returned Son just before ten pm. After that, son still had to do his homework, take a shower, etc.


  1. Did you set the visitation rules with "X"? If you didn't, you should set them now to avoid this in the future. If you did, you have a right to be upset. Suggestion: Why not get your son a cell phone? Prepaid phones are quite reasonable. He will think it 's cool and you will be able to contact him wherever he is.

  2. Well, X refuses to speak to me at all and will not answer my emails. Any and all communication has been taking place through my children. I do plan on getting son a cell phone tho--a prepaid one just for when he is with his father. Thanks :)


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