The Forbidden Pot

Daughter and her boyfriend went out to the garage to look for our juicer.
Boyfriend observed a silver pot with a lid--
"Look there's a pot"
"Don't touch that! It's the forbidden pot!" Chelsea warns.
I holler from the kitchen --
"Don't touch that! It's PANDORA's POT"
"Pandora's pot? Forbidden pot? What's a forbidden pot?"
"Don't ask!"
I tell daughter to get that pot and throw it in the garbage bag, take it to the dumpster.
She brings it IN the house.
"Get that out of the house! If it opens, you have to WASH it"
"Calm down, Mom! I'm not gonna open it"
She drops it in the garbage bag and of course it comes open.
"Get it out! NOW!!! HURRY!!!" I cover my nose, just in case.
Boyfriend opens the garage door so she can run that way, catches a whiff as she runs past.
"OMG what IS THAT!!!! It smells rank!!! What is the forbidden pot???" ( I laugh)
I explain... "that was the last meal her father cooked. He SIMMERED. (back in April)".
Boyfriend -- "oh my gosh!! no wonder it stinks!"
I have an evil thought... "maybe we should give it back to your dad..."


  1. I am laughing sooo hard! That would make a wonderful gift for him!!! Keep on laughing hon!

  2. thanks! It made me laugh too. lol.


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