parts and parts

Stayed up until 3 am this morning.
Slept a few hours, woke up, then slept in again until ten-ish.
Went to lab and had blood drawn to check thyroid levels.
Went to work, gave them my name change info post-divorce.
Went to bank, same as above.

I'm a bit on edge at the moment, realizing my paycheck is gone as soon as I got it. Mortgage took all but 90 bucks of it. The rest went to pest control. Of course, there are other bills too and food yet.

No child support thus far. I asked daughter if she minded emailing her dad about it because we need money for food.

She minds.

Part of me thinks, screw child support and make it on my own--go to food banks, church food pantries, get whatever I can to keep us going.

The other part says to file with the state and maybe they will collect something.

One part of me is crying because I am in this predicament.

Suggestions, anyone?


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