light, laughter, love

Today, I am grateful to be in my house with my children. It's wonderful to be able to wake up early, open the curtains, enjoy a clean, quiet house for a few hours.
My son is 11 and daughter is 18-- off to college in August. I am so thrilled that I have been able to be with her for these last few months through this difficult time. Even with the drama, my children are happy, bouncy, full of life-- more so than they were in my absence.

The house is full of light, laughter, and love. It's up to me to keep it that way. So, yesterday was a difficult day for me. But you know what? The tears didn't last long, the hysteria didn't really happen and thanks to great friends, computer guy telling me to "cut the crap" and my family I am FINE.

It's too hard to be miserable when my lawn is mowed, house is clean, and I have my children and flowers.

Thank you all for putting up with my "crap" too. Sure, sure, sure, I know it's not over. But it IS better than it was.

Virtual hugz to you all.


  1. I am so glad that you are having a good day...was worried about you yesterday. Just be strong..keep up your positive attitude. Remember YOU are in charge of your life and don't let him get you down. You cannot control him. I am proud of you for being so strong and positive today.. Keep up the good work, hon. Lots of people love you and care for you. You are a great mother, remember that. Have a wonderful 4th weekend!!

  2. Thanks for all the encouragement!


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