It's a personal problem

Son told his father we need money for groceries, to which father replied "Sounds like your mom's problem."

I have the application for child support services via DHS read to mail today. Having to do that, having to file is disturbing-- a feeling of utter and total abandonment. It's just one of the finishing touches to my stupid pile of ill-advised choices in my life.

There is no bigger idiot that I.

On one hand, I was pleased to get the divorce through in six months with no extra legal work. On the other hand, on paper, it looks completely stupid.

The following does not include student loans.

His obligations from the marriage:
$13,000 miscellaneous credit card debt
$35,000 in child support, supposing he ever starts paying it and continues.

My obligations from the marriage:
$130,000 mortgages (not to mention property tax and house insurance!)
$20,000 for my son's education -6-12 grade.
$2,000 for legal fees

How come I always have to do things the hard way?


    I AM so tired and weary,
    So tired of the endless fight,
    So weary of waiting the dawn
    And finding endless night.

    That I ask but rest and quiet--
    Rest for days that are gone,
    And quiet for the little space
    That I must journey on.
    Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.


  1. Well girl deciding you made bad choices is the first step!!

    Good luck!

  2. I hope you find the space you need, and the peace.....on my blogs there are some sounds that you might find soothing....the first Mayapur Sounds is a couple of weeks back but worth the hunt.

  3. Thanks, Sage and Braja. It means a lot to have your comments. hugz


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