In some ways, I feel like I have taken three steps backward. Once again, there seem to be impulse, urges, voices all about but I cannot trust them. Since the dissolution of my marriage, I'm the ball in a pinball machine (If you are old enough to remember those!). I've been shot out of a cannon to bounce around, briefly clinging on to one thing then on to another. It's a scary, confusing place to find myself in.

On the household front, I took my son down to the river walk to listen to the music, walk around, enjoy the evening air. Unfortunately, we were there but five minutes when he saw the puppies. So, we came home with two, yes TWO, young puppies who had been abandoned and brought t o river walk by a kindly couple. Since then, wow. busy busy busy with the lil tykes.

I'll have to go back to work in a week or so---the first week in August. Not too thrilled about that, but I guess it's time to earn my paycheck so I can do all this again next summer!


  1. Wel it sounds like fun to me!! Have fun with the puppies!

  2. thanks! add them to my two outdoor dogs, that makes four dogs two kids. I don't have room for a man! :D

  3. umm nevermind. I have just the spot for a man. :D

  4. Well you don't need one anyway! Just 2-3 nights a week!!!!

  5. haaaaaaaaa I bet you do!! I think I know where that "spot" is too!


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