Hey all, I'm still here and doing much better. Yesterday, I embarked on a day of beauty--had my first salon manicure to go with my pedicure, then went on and had my hair colored, cut, styled at the salon. I look hawt! Sold the hard wood flooring I managed to stash away from the X which is good. Locked myself out of my car (again) but baby brother came to the rescue. Family rox. Had a late date last night with a gentleman from Denver. Will be seeing him again this evening I think.

Today, I have been busy and running around all day too. Met railroad guy (new) at the park this morning and had a nice visit. Met up with my friend, colleague/ counselor for lunch which was good for me.

Tomorrow, I have a reflexology treatment YaY and a 2nd date with big truck mechanic guy--looking forward to that.

So, life is busy and grapes. I might need a nap though.


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