From father to daughter


Please understand, I do not want to have any communication with that woman, it hurts me more than you can imagine to say that to M. But I will not have that woman control me or tell me what to do. I am through with her,.. if she wants to use M to get to me so be it. If M wants to see me,... he can wait at Oma's house for me. Otherwise, she can have him and do whatever she wants,.. its her call. I have no say in it whatsoever.

I can still see you coz she can't tell you what to do. You can live with me if you prefer, but I will have nothing to do with her or her family from this day on. You can't even understand the pain I'm going through now, but the hate I have for her is sooooo strong,... I'd rather not say least it offends you.

So for this reason I want to move as far away as I can from her when I get the chance. 10 years of loneliness is too much for me. I want someone who will do things with me, and share the same interests. I am tired of doing things by myself for so long.

I have put her on my spam list,... and will not read any of her emails..... so tell her to stop sending me any emails!!! I refuse to read them. So when M wants to see me call Oma and she will tell M when he can come over to see me. Otherwise ms C. can do whatever she wants and hurt M by making her own rules and forbid M to see me. It hurts me to do this but I have no choice,... if she cares for M enough, she would not makes some dum ass demands (whatever it may be and be more flexible), otherwise she can play her own game by herself.
When M is 18,... she has no control over him,... and if he choses to see me then I can make up for the times I wasn't there for him. If not,... what can I say,... I can only talk to him by email from now on. I feel sorry for M.... he has a low self image and does not want to wear shorts. Maybe this will motivate her to start walking with him. She needs to be a better role model for him. When you lived with me,.... I cooked specially for you and took dinner to you at work,... has she done that? I made sure you had dinner and you are 18,...... M has to make his own sandwich and eat from a can many times. That can't be good.

Please contact me through email ok,... I have never stopped loving you or M,... but my hands are tied.

Love Daddie


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