big truck fix it guy - B

Went out last night with big truck fix it guy. I need to get a better name for him... so awkward. Let's call him B. It was our second date although we have been in touch quite a bit with texting and phone when he is not busy with his daughters 12, 18, 22.

Okay,so this dating thing. I am beginning to see the purpose of it-- to realize what I want, like, prefer, and must have in a man. Interesting concept! For a relatively intelligent woman, I am a goober. Yes, I know.

K, so back to B. He is a very sweet person, hardworking, stable, loves his daughters A LOT, enjoys being with his extended family, loves his parents, is respectful with his language, seems to enjoy my company; all very admirable things. Yes, you know there is a but coming don't u---yeah. HOWEVER, B is a simple man with simple conversation. I listen to his tales of oil, grease, axles, brake fluid, injuries and comment suggest, etc. I listen to his father stories and can see how much he adores his girls even the oldest who is not his by blood but by marriage. I listen. I keep the conversation going, even adding in things about me, my life, childhood etc. sigh. B has beautiful soft brown eyes, with unnaturally long gorgeous eyelashes for a man. He's big,barrel chested, strong, with nice skin and this lil Elvis-like lopsided upper lip sneer thingy goin. Unfortunately, B doesn't have a few things that I am finding I need.

Apparently, I need things. Who knew?

He doesn't open the car door for me. Never seemed important to me, but every other date does it. It's kinda nice. No compliments, questions about me, initiating touch, conversation about me, nothing. He's a bit awkward. The first date was kinda cute coz at one point he sat back and said something about talking too much and so what about me. loll. Then he got distracted and picked right back up with his work, family, X, etc. It was like something had clicked briefly and he remembered that someone had told him it wasn't good to talk about himself all night. lol. was kinda cute. In regard to touch--- I do my usual pat on the arm, companionable shoulder bump, pat on the back whatever. k so I am thinking B might be too much work on my part. If he calls for a third date, I will go but just take it as it is and not imagine we are going anywhere with this. umm unless he imagines that we are? hmm will have to think on this. Point is, I am not going to put out effort other than friendly hanging out.

Summary: I need some good interactive mutual conversation, some interest in me and my life, a physical touch now and then for encouragement, and a compliment here and there.


  1. least you are finding out what things you do and don't want/need in a friend/partner. That is a good thing. Its important to know those things. And to know which you can compromise on and which are the most important to you. I am glad you are learning so much and I hope you can find the one who will love you like you need. You are a great person and deserve to have someone treat you right and love you for you. Take care and hugs.

  2. Hmmm..... Getting selective aren't you? I'm glad you aren't jumping at your first opportunity. You have all the time in the world to find the best fit for you. You deserve the best.


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