baby brother to the rescue(again)

Welp, family is a blessing. I finally caved and asked my younger brother to give me $50 dollars in exchange for a post-dated check so I could by groceries. Of course, he wouldn't accept the check--"I don't loan money!" Anyhoo, took son over to Reasor's (new store, grand opening) and stocked up on their 10 for $10 stuff ( country style ribs, zucchini, peppers, etc) Meant to spend only 35 so I could keep a bit of $ in my pocket but obviously my math is flawed. and I counted and recounted! THIS is why I am an English teacher vs. being a math teacher. pfft.

I watched "The Proposal" starring Sandra Bullock the other day with computer guy. I decided that I want to be Sandra when I grow up. She is so stinking HOT and quite naked in at least one part. snot fair. Plus, Sitka, Alaska looks grapes and I wanna live there now.

Lately I have been uber reluctant to sit in front of my laptop. I think I am enjoying living my life more than hiding in the computer as I have done for a decade now. Now that morning has come for me, figuratively speaking, it's time for me to move, do, go, explore, etc. Being at home is still one of my favorite things, but now I am seeing things that need to be done and doing them, baking, reading, laughing with my children YaY. PLUS, I need to be active physically. Sitting around staring at this screen all the time isn't helping my backside get smaller. Now that I don't have a husband fussing at me, perhaps I can work on my health, stamina and longevity.

I have the best 11 year old son that anyone could want. When he isn't running circles around me verbally trying to get the upper hand, he is so cuddly, loving and thoughtful. I know I have to cherish these moments before they have passed.

Daughter is getting ready to go to college in just two weeks. Yipes.


  1. That was nice of your...wait... Sandra Bullock is naked in that movie???

  2. As naked as I have ever seen her and lookin goooood too. for a lady. coz I'm totally into men. blah blah.


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