drama, police, family

Okay a bit of drama on the X side. I had been allowing him to come and get his stuff out of the garage, sell what he could at a garage sale, etc. I had a prior agreement with the neighbor to buy the craftsman radial saw. When I went out to see what X was moving, the saw was gone.

He knew I had an agreement with the neighbor and took the saw anyway. That pissed me off. I demanded that he return it and when he refused, I ordered him off the property --- I yelled, made a scene. I don't care who knows ---let the neighbors look! He is Asian though so hates that. All the more reason to yell, I say!. He wanted his things, threatened to take the refrigerator, my bed, etc and went off to get a Uhaul truck.

I called my baby brother and mother. I hauled everything that was his out of the house and piled it on the front lawn because no way is he coming back into my house. Then under the supervision of my brother, he was able to get anything he wanted out of the garage minus a few necessities that I deemed necessary for me --i.e. a shovel, rake, etc.

There were a few nose to nose incidents between him and my brother who wouldn't let him near me or talk to me.

Things calmed down a bit while he was working ---the neighbor helped him for a few hours. I saw that he had brought his parent's friend over --former marine- to help him and for back up I suppose. I decided to go out and start throwing junk away and just make sure I had the few things I needed. He had taken both shovels and was unwilling to give me one back. I demanded it and started digging it out of the truck--things turned ugly for a few.

I yelled at the marine for poking his nose in something he knew nothing about and ordered him off my property. A bit of shoving by my brother etc. Marine called the police. X and marine packed up and left pfffft before the police came of course.

No biggie. I have the paperwork on my side. He is not allowed in my house and I may take out a restraining order.

Tonite, I have yet another first date. Who knew finding a friend was so hard?


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