upper hand

Whew, another update.
If I didn't have anonymous virtual people to tell all this, I dunno what would happen.
OK. Here goes.

After church, mom suggested I spend the day with her since X would be getting his stuff at the house. I said okay, but stupid me, swung by the house to get a couple things first.

X immediately came in for a hug. I put a hand up and told him not to touch me. *first thing to piss him off.

Then, I told him he had 30 days from the day the divorce is finalized (Wednesday) to get his things out of the house and garage. *second thing to piss him off.

He then commenced yelling. I wasn't. Threatened to get me fired. Started threatening to make me sell the house (only debt, no equity) gonna take my fridge, gonna take the bed, gonna take this that, the other. coz its ALL his I guess. I said fine, take it all and get out.

Then, the usual excuses: I don't have an income. I can't pay for a storage. I need more time.

You had enough money to get your butt to China and back. I know you can get seventy dollars for a storage. Don't give me crap.

I need time.

You have thirty days.

I guess we aren't going to be friends.

No, we are not. You are not my friend. We are NOT friends. We are parents. I will be civil, you have access to your children and your stuff. Other than that, we don't need to say anything.

Lists details about what he has to do to get rid of stuff.

I don't need to hear details. That's your business.

Okay blah blah blah, I am boring myself now! But he did point out how he has finally found happiness with his new family. The happiness he didn't have for twenty years married to me.
I said fine, great. spare me the details. I got out of there with son and went to moms.

Anyhoo, I am feeling pretty good, because I feel like I have the upper hand. He realizes that I am not kidding. He tried to push every button he could later this evening but got no reaction. Just a bye, see ya. He squealed out of the drive way for my benefit. I just snickered to myself.

four minutes later, the doorbell rang. He'd forgot his bag of meds, etc. So much for a dramatic exit.

Okay one thing did piss me off. He took two hundred dollars from my daughter to "pay the cell phone bill' which has been disconnected. I doubt he will use it for that and she still won't have a phone. Poor baby.

K. Something good about being single> I can talk to guys. I can date guys. I can even contemplate kissing them and what not. woohoo. I feel like finding myself a nice hairy white guy who can fix things. yummy.


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