Things are going well. I am feeling good. Financially, I need to get my act together though, to sit down figure out my budget, bills and stick to it. Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow.

Today should be my last day of work if I can finish everything. If not, I will go in on Monday to finish it all---then my summer break begins. YaY. Today, I go to court for sure to finish the divorce.

I have been exchanging messages with X's Japanese gf. Like me, she is having a hard time understanding it all. here is what I told her this morning:

I have known forever that he says things he doesn't mean--especially when he is angry. I learned long ago to never trust his words because they changed too often. However, I believed his actions. When I realized his actions were false, I no longer believe him at all.

The reason he wants to keep you, to keep me, to keep others is for insurance. If his new plans do not work out, then he will come back. However, I am no longer available to him.

I believe that there is a part of him that is a good person. I fell in love with his touch and with that good person I knew was there. Now, I cannot see that good person in him. I think that for many years I helped him to be stable and consistent. Now, he is free to follow his impulses which have always been wrong.

Yes he is making a mistake. I can no longer protect him from his own mistakes, or advise him. I choose to allow him to grow up. I hope he can.

His father never could. His father is a very bad person. Like X, he has a part of him that is good but usually that is hard to find because the rest of him is evil. I hope X will turn around and not be like his father. However, at the moment, he closely resembles his dad.

I think I have another first date this weekend. It's not set for sure yet. I'm less enthused about this one, but am keeping an open mind. Meanwhile, it's nice to go out and do something, get to know people, etc.

Usually when school gets out, I completely vegetate for at least three days -- not leaving the house, lounging around in my pjs, sleeping, etc. Doubt that is possible since my daughter is so busy making me into a taxi driver. :/ :)


Good thing about being single: There is no one to mess up my bedroom but me.


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