Speed bump

It's been a different sort of week. Yesterday was so beautiful outside, but as I left work I felt so hopeless like life is just too hard. I had been okay during the day except for after stopping by the house during my lunch break and visiting with ex. I still cannot wrap my brain around the fact that he can be so loving toward me physically and yet want to leave me, move half way across the world to be with another woman that he hasn't met.

I was puzzling over that the rest of the day when during the last hour, a student asked me if I am still married. When I said no, she asked me what happened. I shrugged and said the same thing that happens to many couples, leaving it at that.

Thankfully, I didn't allow it to turn into a full blown hysterical incident. Instead, I got home, made dinner, then worked on Photoshop backgrounds for my favorite poems. That kept me busy and occupied until bedtime. YaY.


  1. Doing something artistic always gives me peace as well!


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