So Much for That

A bitter ending to a sweet day--figures.

Got up early, went to financial peace class with daughter.
Took her out to eat at nice Italian restaurant.
Enjoyed visiting and eating. YaY.
Picked up some stuff from his house.
Visited with mom, pet the cat, took a nap.
Worked on taxes, -- joint file yet.
Called him for info.
Called him with info on refund.two thou ish
Planned on splitting it fifty-fifty.
yeah rite.
I forgot about his familial trait of going crazy when money is involved.
Wants me to pay for half the house taxes.
I explained my reasons why I didn't feel I needed to.
He threatened to be vindictive and hateful.
I decided 500 difference wasn't enough for me to mess up my somewhat amicable divorce.

(It doesn't matter that he is the one who wants the house, is living in the house, etc. It doesn't matter that I pay 5000 a year out of my salary for the kids education and have done so for 7 years. It doesn't matter that I am paying 2000 for the divorce that he wanted. It doesn't matter that I took over the time share and put out about 1500 last month toward it. (took a loan on my 401k to do so)

Nope, it's fine. It's all good. Sooner I get this thing done the better. We go to the judge on March 23 for the parenting plan conference and will probably go to that mandatory children of divorce video next week during spring break.

Yup, it's all good.
I'm fine.


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