Road Trip
Yesterday, I went out of town with my son and ex. I know, I know, it seems strange that I would. However, it's my vacation, so I was in the mood for a road trip. PLUS, who knows how many more opportunities we will have for a "family outing". My daughter is on a mission trip this week so it was just the three of us.
The excuse for the day trip was that he had purchased a Windows 2006 Office Suite on Craig's list for 20 dollars, having bargained the guy down from $30. So we drove several hours to pick it up. Crazy, I know--his idea.
When we arrived at the laundromat, the man was a biker dude type who called my ex "Hoss" and spoke, among other things, of his unique ability to get arrested based on his appearance alone. Frankly, I kind of thought he was hawt until he laughed---the laugh was a sharp Disney Goofy-esque one. lol. Anyway, he said for all the trouble he would take ten dollars instead of twenty. We promptly spent the difference on lunch which we took over to the local VFW where a big military tank was parked. There, we took a few goofy pictures and ate our lunch. 
The breeze was nippy so I was thankful for impulsively grabbing my mom's scarf on the way out the door earlier. I looked like a plump babushka.....
Speaking of Mom, she disapproved of my outing with him. But it wasn't heart wrenching really, just comfortable. He wasn't as grabby as usual to that was good. I just enjoyed watching the landscape whiz by decorated with points of interest: the old mansions, ramshackle houses and sprawling ranches of the Oklahoma/Kansas area. I'm glad I went.
On the way back, we stopped at the Tom Mix museum and later, Woolaroc.

This donkey/mule whatever it is reminded me of the donkey on Shrek.

In the picture it JUST finished nipping Ex's ear. Good donkey!
The guy in the background is amused and oddly indifferent,
considering he is employed there. There wasn't any blood so maybe that's why.
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