
Hey, it's me again! I'm feeling a bit better. Looks like I will focus on getting well and that will mean stick with groups, not worry about men, develop positive friendships.

I have always had a blog since 1999ish. My ex never bothered to read how I was feeling about things, even though he knew I was putting it all out there. The only feelings that mattered were those that might prevent him from getting laid.

That is something that I am not going to tolerate ever again. One of my conditions for ever getting involved again is that the man care enough about me to see who I am, where I have been and how I got here. That might mean reading my blog, asking a few questions, etc. Someone who cares about me enough as a person to make sure that I am okay, not just make sure the coast is clear for bumpin boots. Ya kno what I'm sayin? And actually, I prefer that he read about it all and get back to me if he is still interested. :D Is that egotistical of me?

PS. (Also, it's pretty pathetic that I have perfect strangers online --online friends--who have never met me, have nothing to gain from me, yet are completely understanding, compassionate, and caring enough to want to know how I am inside. )


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