I hate you

I hate you.
I really really hate you.
Congratulations on that.
I have always made it a point not to hate anyone.
But, I hate you.
I am not going to put myself in a position to get hurt by you again.
Don't talk to me.
I am muting you.
Blocking you.
Taking you off my buddy list.
are NOT
my buddy.
The only reason I am alive right now
is for my children
so they don't have to get stuck with
a sorry son of a bitch like you
who never means what he says
and says what he means.
My children deserved better.
I deserved better.
You don't LOVE me
you don't know what it means to be loved.
Your parents are snakes.
Your family is one of the poorest excuses for a family I have ever seen.
You have not been a husband to me.
You have not taken care of me.
You have not taken care of the house.
You don't know how to handle money.
and I am the bad wife?
I don't think so.
Don't touch me again.
Don't ever tell me you love me again.
Don't expect me to get within three feet of you again.
Go off and find some other stupid person willing to marry you.
Let her find out for herself how you are.
Consider yourself smited.


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