
Just to clarify, I would rather stay married to my husband if things would change. After 20 years, there was still plenty of sex ---way above average, and I got well over my quota of touches per day. He used to tell me he loved me in his sleep and I believed him. I do believe he loves me in his own dysfunctional way. For a long time, I was able to keep him on an even keel---give him sound advice, help him make plans, stick to them, sometimes complete them. However, there seems to be this idea that he can do better than me, which is totally possible.

On the other side of it, yes I know that on an emotional level I have been abused, misused, mistreated, poorly cared for in every area but the physical. Yet that wasn't the whole of our marriage. oh crap. yes it was :/ nevermind.


  1. Don't you wish that when it was over that they would just dissolve into thin air? It would make things so much easier.

    You did the right thing and are still in the process of grieving. Keep going, things will change as the weather does.

    Chin up girl!

    Sorry I've been gone for awhile - kidney stones uggggg


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