Life is unpredictable

I wish I didn't care if my ex lives or dies. I care too much, mostly for the sake of my children, partly for hopes and dreams long gone but unforgotten, for a future unfulfilled. My heart is torn so many ways for so many reasons. I don't know how I go on. I never knew there were so many tears to cry, so many regrets to have. Last Winter, his kidneys shut down completely. I had to make immediate plans to get the kids over to JAKARTA to see their father just in case the worst happen. Oh yeah. He moved to the other side of the world, away from his children, away from his Chinese wife. I forgot to tell you that, didn't I? He gave his children one weeks notice that he was leaving. It broke their hearts and continues to do so on a regular basis. Me? I gave him a ride to the airport with the kids, after having helped him pack up things and move things from the apartment. Why would I help? Well... I couldn't let my kids do all t...